"Welcome to a Community That Embraces All."

Discover DLC (Dean's Likeminded Community), a haven born from Dean's visionary aspirations. In this vibrant space, individuals of shared minds converge to uplift one another and openly exchange their personal triumphs over anxiety disorders. Here, we accompany each other on the path to recovery, shedding light on our individual journeys.

Dean's mission stems from his own journey of conquering anxiety. Fuelled by his own victory, Dean yearned to impart the wisdom he gleaned during his own struggle. His fortunate bond with a friend who had triumphed over anxiety ignited Dean's own recovery. This connection—this reassurance that countless others have walked the same path to triumph—sparked his desire to bottle this hope and disseminate it widely.

Dean intimately understands the isolation and difficulty anxiety disorders bring. Through the DLC Anxiety Community, he extends his hand to you, offering a lifeline of connection. Here, you'll find stories of triumph, mental health enlightenment, and insights culled from the vanguard of anxiety recovery. Just as Dean and countless others have done, you too can conquer anxiety disorders. As part of this 1.8-million-strong community, you'll realize you're not alone and find the motivation to journey forward at your own pace, bolstered by unwavering community support.


"Transform Your Life: Journey to Anxiety Recovery with a World-Renowned Support Coach!"

Are you ready to break free from the chains of anxiety and embrace a life of empowerment? Meet Dean Stott, an internationally acclaimed anxiety support coach who has pioneered the path to recovery for countless individuals. With a legacy spanning over 5 years, Dean Stott is the visionary founder of DlcAnxiety, the world's largest anxiety support community.

Having conquered his own battles with panic and anxiety disorders, Dean Stott brings a deep understanding and personal touch to his coaching approach. His expertise extends beyond personal experience, with a wealth of knowledge acquired from interviews with renowned mental health professionals and collaborations with top experts across the globe.

Now, Dean Stott is dedicated to helping you on your unique journey to recovery. Click the button below to discover how his proven methods and unwavering support can guide you towards a life of tranquility and fulfillment. 


"Propelling Global Mental Health Awareness to Unprecedented Heights" 🌎 **Over 97 Million Individuals Influenced in the Last 30 Days Alone!** 🌎


Indeed, your eyes do not deceive you. Our message, our unwavering mission to advocate for mental health awareness, has resonated deeply with a staggering 93 million individuals. Envision the equivalent of a thriving metropolis, all linked by a shared yearning for enlightenment and transformation.
📸 **Instagram: Illuminating the Lives of 21 Million Individuals in the Last 30 Days** 📸
Harnessing the visual potency of Instagram, we've united 21 million individuals within the last 30 days, all embarking on our journey. Through thought-provoking visuals and insightful content, we're dismantling the stigma encircling mental health, igniting conversations that reverberate across the digital realm.
🕺🎶 **TikTok: Enthralling 72 Million Hearts in the Last 30 Days** 🕺🎶
With the rhythm of 72 million hearts, TikTok has emerged as our platform for empowerment. In moments of creative expression and inspiration, we're cultivating a movement that exalts self-care and thrusts mental well-being into the spotlight.
This isn't mere numerical data; it's a testament to our collective commitment to instigate change. Each click, every engagement, all shares—a symphony of ripples that transform lives, mind by mind.
Prepare to be intrigued. Prepare to be galvanized. Join us in this symphony of transformation, where our message traverses continents and touches the essence of individuals. Together, let's perpetuate a legacy of hope, empathy, and resilience—illuminating the world, one mind at a time.

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Over 62 million Video Views in the last 30 days alone!

DLC Anxiety Interview picks

"DLC Anxiety: Your Ultimate Destination for Expert Insights and Inspiring Stories Worldwide!"

Step into the realm of DLC Anxiety, where captivating interviews await with global experts, alongside celebrities who bravely illuminate the path of mental health. Brace yourself for a captivating journey that unveils the forefront of mental health innovation, with businesses committed to reshaping the landscape of mental wellness.

Here at DLC Anxiety, we've curated a treasure trove of wisdom. Tune in to glean insights from authorities worldwide, each sharing their unique perspectives on the mental health spectrum. But it doesn't end there. Celebrities, their spotlight shining even brighter, candidly unveil their personal experiences, fostering a sense of camaraderie in the face of mental health challenges.

Yet, that's just the beginning. The pulse of innovation beats here too, as we bring you the freshest breakthroughs from mental health enterprises dedicated to revolutionizing the community. DLC Anxiety isn't merely a platform; it's a dynamic force, propelling awareness, understanding, and transformative change in the world of mental well-being.

Two Best Selling Self Help Books

Untangle Your Anxiety

A guide to overcoming an anxiety disorder by two people who have been through it. 


Greater Than Panic

An inspiring story of anxiety and panic disorder recovery. 


"Meet Dean: A Dedicated Global Ambassador for Boo2Bullying Charity"
Join us in celebrating Dean's esteemed role as an International Ambassador for the remarkable charity, Boo2Bullying. At Boo2Bullying, our mission transcends boundaries as we passionately strive to obliterate bullying, intolerance, and discrimination.

Our heart beats to the rhythm of education, where the seeds of acceptance and embracing diversity are sown. Through enlightening interactions with kids, schools, and parents, we nurture a society where differences are cherished and individuality flourishes. Dean, as a torchbearer of our cause, stands firm in his commitment to empower young minds.

Together, we arm these young champions with the invaluable tools they need to foster connections and create positive ripples that resonate far and wide. Dean embodies the spirit of change, working tirelessly to amplify awareness and ensure a brighter, kinder world for every young person.

Boo2Bullying isn't just a charity—it's a movement. With Dean as our International Ambassador, the flame of acceptance burns brighter, lighting the way for a future where empathy and respect take center stage.

International Ambassador


A collection of educational and inspiring interviews with mental health experts and advocates from around the globe. Visit DLC Anxiety over on Instagram @dlcanxiety. With over a million followers worldwide DLC Anxiety is the world's largest anxiety support platform.

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